Captain Falcon Joker V2


An updated version of Kamen Rider Joker Falcon


As you can see the shoulderpad and scarf is removed (Alexjol credit), i improved the texture a bit too, the most interesting feature is the vertex edited Falcon punch


I added portraits too thanks to KTH.

I only edited the PSA effect data so you can play this Falcon as a normal Falcon without metagame changes.


Download Link

2 respuestas to “Captain Falcon Joker V2”

  1. Bernat Says:

    Me alegra ver que Retos Nintendo de una forma u otra ha seguido adelante. Me gustaria saber que se ha hecho de los demas miembros.
    Cuidaros mucho y animo chicos!

    att: Bernat15, uno (seguramente el principal debido a su injusta expulsion de otro foro) de los fundadores de RN.

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